Youth Exchange

Sara and Ângelo in the front

In order to jump start this documentary, Ângelo González and Sara Segurado, representing the NGO Spin, applied to the Youth in Action programme with a Youth Exchange project called also Documenting Words. 
In this event, people from 6 different countries would come from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Estonia, Slovenia and Portugal to learn the process of filmmaking by practicing and helping produce this documentary.

Team morning briefing
The project was approved and received funds to gather 30 young people from these different countries in Lisbon, during the week of 23-30 of September of 2011.
The participants had different workshops in the areas of scriptwriting, photography, sound recording, etc. And had also the opportunity to participate in the documentary in front of the cameras, sharing their views on different languages and the multicultural exchange.

Image and Sound first impression
The host organization was Associação Spin.

The sending organizations were:
International Initiatives for Cooperation from Bulgaria.
Academy of Youth, an informal group from Estonia.
System and G from Greece.
Mondo Nuovo from Italy.
Mladinski Center Brežice / Youth Center Brežice from Slovenia.